The professional services packages
we offer our clients
we offer our clients
Melanie Quin makes direct contact with publishing house editors and small and large-screen visual producers. She pitches the manuscript and negotiates a publication contract on behalf of the author. BOOKCLUB HELLO PACKAGES The team promotes individual novels to book clubs by sending Media Releases to stimulate individual sales of novels. One complimentary copy of the book is sent with the media release. MINI ORDER BUNDLES Small independent booksellers are given the opportunity to place mini orders: minimum number of five, maximum of ten novels. All books are of the same title. No mixed-title orders are approved. Retailers are NOT reimbursed for any unsold books. MANUSCRIPT EVALUATION and APPRAISAL We read individual manuscripts and provide a comprehensive report on the story. This includes evaluation of the plot, writing style, quality standards and commercial potential of the work. Email us to discuss our professional services and ask for a fee quote